Always On
For remote workers, our satellite extender provides always on protection, even when cell coverage is unavailable. Ensure people can still call for help or signal a missed check in no matter where they are.
Set It & Forget It
Our satellite extender does not require any special skills or training – just sync once with a phone and go. The extender senses when cellular coverage is unavailable and automatically activates without instruction.
North America's most innovative organizations trust SolusGuard to keep their people connected and safe.
"SolusGuard has afforded our team a real sense of security while completing their day to day tasks. Strongly recommended, the experience has been great." Sheena Reyes Keslick, VP OperationsMainStreet Equity Corp.
"SolusGuard means peace of mind! In the Property Management industry we give our investors peace of mind that their investment is being managed and that tenants feel safe in their homes. SolusGuard has taken this one step further to provide peace of mind that my employees are safe no matter where they might be." Carla Browne, PresidentReal Property Management Canada
"SolusGuard has been a great partner in safety. Their technology is industry leading and provides us an advanced level of protection for our team members. Thank you." John Price, Senior Vice President HSEAvenue Living
Explore Our Safety Solutions for Businesses
Download the SolusGuard Product Guide to learn about the benefits of SolusGuard including detailed product information on our Safety App, Wearable Panic Button, Safety Monitoring, and Satellite Extender.