Ideas and Insights
for Safety Champions

Don’t Panic. Just Hit the Employee Panic Button.

The world can be a very dangerous place. Crime happens daily. Mass shootings and other large-scale violent acts are, unfortunately, becoming commonplace. And it’s not just crime and violence—accidents happen every day. People slip and fall. They get injured using heavy machinery. Some people have health issues that make them more susceptible to emergency situations. Life is inherently dangerous. Of course, this doesn’t mean everyone has to feel like they’re walking on thin ice every day. A little bit of sensible precaution can go a long way—especially if you are an employer.

Worker Safety Technology: How to Keep Your Employees Safe

Many businesses require people to work in environments that are not 100 percent safe. Everyone from security guards to those dealing with drug and alcohol abuse to factory line workers are inherently at risk in their surroundings. Even those in seemingly safe environments may not be completely safe—a person working alone after hours, workers who lift heavy items… the list goes on. An ill-timed slip and fall could become an emergency very quickly—especially if no one is around to help.